By TerraShare

The Role of Violence in a Child’s Life

By Jo-El Wadsworth

Violence plays a significant role in the lives of the children who come to TerraShare.  Research shows that 83% of children who have experienced homelessness have been exposed to at least one serious violent event by age twelve and almost 25% have witnessed acts of violence within their families. Children who witness violence are more likely to exhibit aggressive and antisocial behavior, experience an increase in fear, depression and anxiety in their daily lives, and have a greater acceptance of violence as a means of resolving conflict.   Read more

By TerraShare

Giving Thanks: A TerraShare Tradition


By Jo-El Wadsworth

The longest standing tradition at TerraShare is the evening campfire and the giving of thanks. If it is a rainy night, we gather at the pavilion, around a circle of candlelight. But if the night is clear, the moon rising and the early stars just beginning to appear, we gather at the fire circle. It is a ritual welcomed by staff and children, alike and helps bring closure to the end of another long day of adventure.   Read more

By TerraShare

Weekend Hike to the Raptor Observatory


By Jo-El Wadsworth

The past Weekend Adventure Program was so empowering! Four children, who all share a longstanding friendship with the camp, came for a healthy dose of fun, food and adventure. Because the children have been here often, they are already familiar with the expectations and opportunities of the camp. They already know and trust the staff, love the animals, the wilderness. They come to TerraShare knowing that anything is possible as long as they have respect, a good attitude and a wild streak.   Read more

By TerraShare

The Vulnerable Scholars Program Journey

 My name is Matt Vincent and I had the pleasure of traveling with TerraShare Founder and Executive Director, Paul Winter, throughout South Africa, Botswana, Kenya, and Rwanda, as we conducted an education-based needs assessment in five refugee camps as a beginning to the development of the Vulnerable Scholars Program (VSP). VSP is an initiative of TerraShare, with the mission to provide protection through education for at-risk, high-achieving girls, worldwide. From January through March 2012, I published the below posts, compiled of thoughts, observations, and notes from our meetings with students, parents, community leaders, teachers, headmasters, and representatives from various relief and development agencies. We hope that you’re able to take some time to read through the posts and feel free to contact us with any questions or comments!   Read more

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